
水沟盖板模具 的规格定制

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水沟盖板模具 的规格





With the vigorous implementation of subgrade construction, our city will become more and more beautiful. It not only solves the urban drainage problem, but also reduces the traffic problems caused by the drainage problem, and avoids flooding vehicles and other objects as soon as it rains. With the use of gutters, our city is full of peace and harmony everywhere.

水沟盖板模具有很多种规格,单孔,双孔,四孔,五孔,六孔,十四孔等,这些孔就是用来排水的,还可以根据具体的施工要求来定做。水沟盖板模具是组合模具,由水篦子盖和水篦套组成,方便脱模,设计合理,方便快捷。我厂生产的有:四孔水沟盖板模具 四孔水沟盖板模具 单孔水沟盖板模具 六孔盖板模具 十四孔水沟盖板模具 三孔水沟盖板等定制模具

There are many specifications of ditch cover plate mold, including single hole, double hole, four hole, five hole, six hole, fourteen hole, etc. these holes are used for drainage and can also be customized according to specific construction requirements. The ditch cover plate mold is a combined mold, which is composed of water grate cover and water grate sleeve, which is convenient for demoulding, reasonable design, convenient and fast. Our factory produces: four hole ditch cover plate mold, four hole ditch cover plate mold, single hole ditch cover plate mold, six hole cover plate mold, fourteen hole ditch cover plate mold, three hole ditch cover plate and other customized molds


Our city construction is so good that as the production material of molds, it also needs green environmental protection. In order to consider low cost, plastic engineering polypropylene raw materials are generally used for production. It has light texture, good toughness, hardness and strength up to standard, and its fall resistance and wear resistance are also very good, which is suitable for mass production. Of course, there are also conventional sizes that plastic molds do not have, so steel materials need to be used. Steel materials generally use 3mm thick steel plates to make upper and lower covers, and cement parts can be taken out when the cover is opened. The production size of such materials is more standard, stronger and durable, although it is more expensive for plastic molds, But it is much cheaper for plastic mold opening. The details are customized according to the requirements of the construction party.


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